Headlong V5

  • A bird's eye view from the rough center of the map. There are stairwells with a gap in between them on either side of the center line and a structure made up of L sections of wall to create tunnels of various levels of exposure.
    An overview of the map. The central tunnel structure and stairs help make the proximity of each staging area functionally a bit further away from each other than the base geometry provides.
  • A view down the wall of the map where stairs are used as buttresses.
    The stairs along the map's wall allow for careful movement along what would otherwise be a very exposed part of the map.
  • Each staging area offers a variety of weapons and equipment inside of mesh cages.
    The staging areas are the most open sections of the map and also are primarily where players can stock up on equipment. The crates also provide ample opportunities for escape or surprise.
  • Less conspicuous in the staging areas are the grenade spawns between the two mesh weapon cages.
    While this map does feature equipment like the power drain and trip mines, the weapon selection is entirely human owing to this being a makeshift training ground.
  • The rooms behind each staging area do not house any weapons but are also difficult to access thanks to additional walls and grav lifts blocking them off.
    These "spawn rooms" were designed to be fairly safe environments to be dropped into thanks to their walls partially covering exposed openings and the unique feature of the map, grav-lifts being used to softly encourage one directional travel out of the rooms or resources to be spent on destroying them.
  • The hallway connecting the two spawn rooms features a shotgun in the middle.
    The shotgun placed directly in the middle of the hallway between the two "spawn rooms" is there to encourage some usage of these less trafficked areas. Given the design of the rest of the map, the shotgun is extremely deadly if used carefully.